Fifth Estate Grows

Needs Larger Staff


Fifth Estate # 31, June 1-15, 1967

The FIFTH ESTATE is growing like wild marijuana.

Our current press run is 8,000 newspapers and our newsstands have been empty a week because we didn’t have the papers to fill them. If this keeps up, our circulation before the summer will be 10,000 paid. Figuring at least three readers per copy that makes thirty thousand readers every issue.

Between the SUN and the FIFTH ESTATE Detroit is receiving 32,000 underground papers, not including mimeoed high school papers. But this sudden surge has caught us off balance. We need help.

We need people to work, to man our office, to sell our ads, to handle circulation, to sell the paper and to do a thousand other things. What are you doing this summer? By putting our minds together and enlarging our staff, we expect the FIFTH ESTATE to have a paid circulation of 15,000 in the fall.

But we can’t do it alone. Give us a call at 962-9336 or apply at 923 Plum Street. The FIFTH ESTATE is more fun than summer camp.

Also, if you get your FIFTH ESTATE at school you are going to have difficulty getting it during the summer. Our circulation manager suggests that you remedy the situation by subscribing and insuring an uninterrupted supply of FIFTH ESTATES.

IMPORTANT: If your address will be changing for the summer, please let us know immediately. Be sure to include your new zip code.