Fifth Estate Issue #307, November 19, 1981
- Letters to the Fifth Estate
- Staff and contributors
- Anti-Nuclear Movement in Europe
- Detroit Seen
- Uncovering a Corpse
- Carl Harp found Dead
- A Challenge to the Prison Movement
- “Thieves and gunmen together with idealists”
- The Challenge Accepted
- Aversion and the Dynamo
- A Note to Readers
- The Fifth Estate Meets the All People’s Congress
- Poland at the Crossroad
- Hail Red Army Nerve Gas!
- FE Bookstore
- News and Reviews
- GI Guinea Pigs
- The Nirvana Blues
- Free Readers’ Ads
- Smokey the Bear Sutra
Front page text:
The weapons are in place.
The language of war is accepted everywhere.
The rulers of the opposing empires confront each oher menacingly.
Their fingers are poised on the button.
The warheads ache to be launched.
Will we wait passively for annihilation?