Lino Molin 1900-1980


Fifth Estate # 302, June 1, 1980

On Feb. 4, 1980 in Los Gatos, California, the life of Lino Molin (a long-time supporter of the Fifth Estate) ended. He was the victim of a tragic automobile accident while he was crossing a street with heavy traffic. His remains were cremated without religious service.

A native of Cadore, Italy, Lino emigrated quite young and came to the United States almost 60 years ago. He lived for almost ten years in Detroit where he made contact with the anarchist movement and participated in the activities of the groups there. He moved to California where he lived most of his adult life.

A self-taught person, Lino took an enthusiastic part in discussions of ideas and problems of the anarchist movement during his years of militancy. But what distinguished him most was his constant activity in his work for innumerable initiatives of propaganda and in the organization of festive and picnic events that traditionally were the sources essential to the financial needs of the international movement.

In the ever decreasing group of Italian comrades remaining in central California, Lino leaves a very serious void, and in the hearts of all the comrades of this area, a sincere grief. To his comrade Florence, our heartfelt condolences.

Menico and Aurora
—from L’Internazionale

Also, from the staff and readers of the Fifth Estate we add our condolences and our appreciation for his long years of dedication.