In Brief


Fifth Estate # 302, June 1, 1980

Nation-Wide Arrests in Italy

Last March 23 to 25, the Italian police made a nation-wide raid on the homes and offices of anarchists and arrested 19 people and charged them with armed rebellion, subversive association with the clandestine group Azione Rivoluzionaria (Revolutionary Action) and the robberies of six banks in Bologna. Since that time, seven of the people have been released, but the other twelve remain behind bars—they are: Alfredo Bonnano, Carmelina Di Marco, Salvo Marietta, Paolo Ruberto, Patrizia Casamenti, Masstmo Gaspari, France Lombardi, Roccard Fabbricat, Sandre Vandini and two Scots, Jean Weir and Kenneth Burgone (both associated with the publishing group Bratach Dubh).

But it also seems that the Italian government may have had another reason for these latest arrests. All of the aboved named people are associated with the bimonthly review Anarchismo, which has recently come under heavy attack by the Italian government for its editions dealing with prison revolts, state repression and armed struggle in Italy and elsewhere. With these arrests the government has, for now, put an end to the publication.

Because of the nature of these charges, the Italian authorities can legally hold these people in jail for anywhere from three to twelve years without bringing them to trial, but from what information we have been able to get from comrades in Italy and Britain, it appears that the accused are in good spirits in Bologna prison (although there is some concern for Jean Weir who is in Modena prison—a prison judged bad even by Italian standards).

Help in the form of money, etc. to pay for lawyers and to provide minimum comforts for the twelve should be sent to:

Comitato Di Defeza Bolognese
c/o L’onagro, via de Preti 4/a
Bologna 40100

As we go to press: The defense lawyer for the accused, Gabriel Fuga, has been arrested along with two other lawyers associated with the case. Fuga has been accused, in the same way that the German government accused and jailed RAF lawyers, of supporting the activities of his “clients” and for being “a member of an armed clandestine organization.”

Republican Convention in Detroit

In six weeks, some of the creepiest human beings (and we use the term loosely) in the country are going to be swarming into Detroit by the thousands for the upcoming Republican Convention.

Well, we’ve got nothing to say to these traveling salesmen, except ‘get outta town;’ but what we are hoping to do is to take advantage of the situation as much as possible, for as much as possible.

Several of us living in the Detroit/Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area have gotten together to invite any and all libertarians (it would be nice if this was an international event), to come and join us for acts of madness, insanity and a good time (see Detroit Seen for planned happenings at the Duck Club).

If you’re interested, drop us a line at either: Fifth Estate, 4403 Second, Det. MI 48201. OR…Nameless, Box “K”, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

Carl Harp Follow-Up

In our last issue, we asked people to write to the governor of Washington to try and stop Carl Harp’s transfer to San Quentin prison in Cal. Unfortunately, Carl was shipped there, but latest news is that he will soon be sent back to Walla Walla to face a trial for the May ’79 uprising at that prison. Although the petition was unsuccessful at keeping Carl in Wash., in a letter to the FE, he sent his warmest gratitude and love to those who have been giving him support and said that it was the support that was keeping him alive.

One sad note, though. It seems that the other prisoners:who took part in the uprising with Carl have made deals with the authorities and left him to stand trial alone.

To help with his defense fund, write: Susan Waymire, 6536 102 Pl. N.E., Kirkland, Wash. 98033. Telephone: (206) 822-5208 (evenings).