Free Readers’ Ads


Fifth Estate # 297, April 18, 1979

Though we do not accept commercial advertising, this Unclassified ad space is free for our readers’ use. We do not accept ads over the telephone, so please send your ads in writing to our office at: 4403 Second Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48201.

WE ARE IN THE PROCESS OF STARTING a collectively run non-profit natural foods restaurant-coffeehouse-community center here in Binghamton. We are looking for considerate, responsible, hard-working, open-minded people who are not into power tripping but who are willing to take initiative. No experience is necessary, however this is a heavy long-term commitment. If anyone is interested, please contact us as soon as possible.

Eliot & Tom, People’s Power Plant, 43 South Washington Street, Binghamton, New York 13903

ANARCHO-PUNK POSTERS available for free from ULTRA on request. Also write for info on Houston’s 1st “Rock Against Racism” rally to be held April 1, 1979. Free punk, rock and reggae will be the order of the day. Write to: ULTRA, PO Box 35253, S. Post Oak Sta., Houston, TX 77035.

ROOT & BRANCH: A LIBERTARIAN MARXIST JOURNAL No. 7 out now. Articles on “Authority and democracy in the U.S.,” “Are We Headed for Another Depression?” “Anarchism and Marxism,” “On the Class Situation in Spain,” and much more. Subscription $6 for 4 issues. $2 for sample copy. Root & Branch, Box 236 Somerville, MA 02143. We welcome comments and criticisms of our articles. Next issue should be an in-depth analysis of “Who Runs China’s Factories.”

GAYS OF THE DETROIT AREA during the Forties and Fifties—only you can help in a research project that is now under way, attempting to document the experiences of being a gay person during the decades of 1940 and 1950. The material that is being gathered will be used for a radio interview and for a scholarly article to be published in the near future. Won’t you please remember your friends and the good times, as well as the other times—fear, blackmail, suicides, that they may be recorded for the present and future. At the conclusion of the project, all materials gathered will be offered to a suitable library collection. Please respond as soon as possible to: Project Remember’, p.o. box 7113, Flint, MI 48507.

FREE—Copymate Model 400 dry copying machine, copy paper included. All you have to do is come and get it (people interested in using it for profit need not apply). Inquire by letter (no calls, please) to Larry Talbert, c/o FE 4403 Second Ave, Detroit MI 48201. Send a stamped, addressed card for response.

THE ASSOCIATION OF LIBERTARIAN Feminists, in conjunction with the Gay Men’s Alliance of Hunter College, will be sponsoring an anarchist feminist conference on April 28, 1979. The Saturday afternoon conference will be held at the Park Royal Hotel, 23 W. 73rd Street, New York City. Speakers will include Alix Kates Shulman, author of TO THE BARRICADES: THE ANARCHIST LIFE OF EMMA GOLDMAN, and Paul Avrich, author of AN AMERICAN ANARCHIST: THE LIFE OF VOLTAIRINE DE CLEYRE. Workshops on current aspects of anarchist feminism and gay anarchism will also be featured, and anarchist and anarchist feminist literature will be available. Registration begins at 11 am, the conference at noon. The suggested contribution is $3. For further information, contact Sharon Presley, ALF National Coordinator, 41 Union Square West, Suite 1428, New York City 10003; (212) 361-0927.


Thomas Wesley Bond, Box 128-30190, Eddyville, KY 42038

Jesse Shulford, 77A2633, Box B, Dannemora, New York 12929

Bob Nawberry, Nevada State Prison, Box 607, Carson City, NV 89701

Troy Fredrick Bridges Box 41-1680, Michigan City, Ind 46360

James Ferguson, 148885, box 45699, Lucasville, Ohio 45699

Jerry Shields, 137004, box 69, London, Ohio 40140