Free Readers Ads


Fifth Estate # 292, June 19, 1978

Though we do not accept commercial advertising, this Unclassified ad space is free for our readers’ use. We do not accept ads over the telephone, so please send your ads in writing to our office at: 4403 Second Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48201.

WOMEN IN THE SPANISH REVOLUTION—Liz Willis’s excellent pamphlet first published by Solidarity, London, has been reprinted in New York with some additional material by Liz and is available by writing to: Gonzalez/Kleinman, p.o. box 562 Cooper Station, New York, NY 10003. If you can afford it, send $1 to cover costs of publication, mailing and free copies which will be sent to people who are incarcerated and others without funds, upon request. Less (or of course, more) is acceptable. We will take valid US postal stamps, cheques (made out to N. Kleinman or J. Gonzalez) or real green money. In Europe, write to: Solidarity, c/o 123 Latham Rd., London E. 6, England; in New York, stop by Come!Unity Press.

QUESTION AUTHORITY—buttons, bumper-stickers, 50 cents each. Custom-printed buttons $38/100; $40/250; $48/500. Bumper-stickers $3/pair; 50 cents additional; $20/50; $28/100. Colt, Box 271-FE, New Vernon, NJ 07976.

T-SHIRTS: EAT THE RICH (skull & tableware, red, blue, or yellow) New Nation (green pot leaf inside red star on green shirt.) McDeath$ (golden arches with “Stop Ronald before 1984”) on navy blue or bright red. All shirts are $4 postpaid and come in S,M,L. Make checks payable to Bill Sassenberger. All proceeds go to future Oregon YIP Chapter. Send orders to: OCYIP, p.o. box 2282, Ball Rd. Station, Cypress, CA 90630.

FREE SAMPLE of NEW OUTLOOK, Middle East Monthly with a new angle on Israeli/Palestinian-Jewish/Arab peace. Send your name and address (use airmail) to: New Outlook, 8 Karl Netter St., Tel Aviv, Israel.

NAUSEATED with the sick music scene? Want communication with other libertarian musicians? I am starting the Libertarian Musical Union to put us in touch with each other, exchange social and musical ideas, tapes, scores, etc., and provide general mutual aid. Please write: Meg Keene, 2715 Chippewa St., New Orleans, LA 70130.

ROBERT KENNEDYS AUTOPSY REPORT proves Sirhan did not shoot RFK. Read this official report. Calif. state sells it for $5, we sell it for $1. Send SASE, Remember the Dreyfus Case. Here it is again. Write: Box-holder, POB 42644, San Francisco, CA 94101.

ONE THIN, YOUNG COUPLE tired of sexist, racist, ego-trippers and monogamy would like to find some like-minded people to move in with us. We have a house and only need you. We’d appreciate a photo(s) with your letter. But we don’t expect you to be physically attractive or beautiful. He’s an athiest, she’s agnostic, and neither of us has much more than a high school education. Send your letters to: Ann Arky, 3090 Heiss Rd., Monroe, MI 48161.

ROOT & BRANCH: a libertarian socialist Quarterly. Issue No. 5 is out. Contains articles on: the New Working Class Movement in Spain including the renewal of the CNT; the Revolt Against Work—new movement or fad; New theories of social class; and an interview with Paul Mattick from an Italian newspaper. $6 for each issue. $1.50 for No. 5. Free literature list available on request. Root & Branch, p.o. box 236, Dept. F., Somerville, MA 02143.

“ANARCHISM & SOCIALISM”—Houston SRAFlet FREE for the asking. Please send SASE or a few stamps to help out with mailing costs. P.O. Box 35253, S. Post Oak Sta., Houston TX 77035.

STEPHEN DEAD-LOSS: Where are you, now that we need you? The city is virtually wit-less in your absence. Hurry back. We miss you—English Instructors of America.


These prisoners would like correspondence. Please let them hear from you.

Gerald Reed, Box 75264, CTF Central-F214, Soledad, CA 93960

Joe Ventresca-Monaca, 35308136, Box 1000, Marion, ILL 62959

Yusut Abdul Alim 73A5490, Green Haven Correc. Facility, Stormville, NY 12582

Isaac Stroger, Box PMB 96382, Atlanta, GA. 30315

Jim Malmberg, No. 119024, box 520, Walla Walla, WA 99362

S. Kessler No. 1707135, box 1000, Marion, ILL 62959

Paul Zozak No. 76167, box 711, Menard, ILL 62259

Robert Gerson No. 56772, Station A VRU B10, Trenton, NJ 08628

Randall Sims No. 141764, Box 45699, Lucasville, OH 45699

Jerry Webb No. 143755, Dan Houghton No. 145550, Ron Miller No. 145551, Fred Edge No. 147764, all at: box 45699, Lucasville, OH 45699

Duane Harris No. 138632, box 45699, Lucasville, OH 45699.

Tyrone Shazier No. 150737, box 69, London, OH 43140.