Free readers’ Ads


Fifth Estate # 291, April 30, 1978

Though we do not accept commercial advertising, this Unclassified ad space is free for our readers’ use. We do not accept ads over the telephone, so please send your ads in writing to our office at: 4403 Second Ave., Detroit, Michigan 48201.

“ANARCHISM & SOCIALISM”—Houston SRAFlet FREE for the asking. Please send SASE or a few stamps to help out with mailing costs. P.O. Box 35253, S. Post Oak Sta., Houston TX 77035.

LOOKING for local textile artists that are not attached to any established institutions to share ideas with. Chuck 584-0220.

BUMPERSTICKERS: ($.50 each). “Capitalism Is Organized Crime;” “AT&T Has You By The Calls;” “Nuclear Power—Rate = Rate Hikes & Cancer;” “There’s No Future In Nuclear Power.” We custom print, too. $2/one; $.50/add’l; $28/100 COLT, Box 271-FE, New Vernon NJ 07976.

SOS! Dodge House 6—Desperate women need your letters of support to prevent the City from demolishing their house to use land as dumping grounds for loose garbage, dead, etc. To stop their plan to remove all humans from the lands surrounding WSU, write to chief criminal: Ron Hewitt of C.E.D., 150 Michigan, Detroit.

CANNABIS REX Trading Co. needs financial help. Non-profit oriented; Flash, 1918 White St., Lincoln Pk, MI 48146. You name it; I’ll get it.

JONATHON—Welcome! Greetings and many good wishes from everyone here in Detroit. We send love—you send pictures (please).

SUSAN & JOHN—Another year of love and happiness. How can you lose with Katy behind you both? From M&P

NEED ride to NYC at end of June. Have bike and small pack. Will share expenses. Call Peter at F E, 831-6800.

PRISONERS who would like correspondence with people on the outside:

Brian J. Brown, 01433-190 & Ricky McAllister, 00422, P.O. Box 1000, Milan MI 48160;

Burt Sumner, 75-A-1071, Box 149, Attica NY 14011;

John Stojetz, Box 57-145-983, Marion OH 43302;

Phil Ruff, Dave Campbell, Brian Gibbens, “A” Hall, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, Du Cane Rd., London, England;

Eric Ferguson, 148021; Joel Betts, 141-318; Fred Bell, 141-190; P.O. Box 45699, Lucasville OH 45699.