Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 282, April-May, 1977


Cass City Cinema-1st Unitarian Church (Cass & Forest—red door), 7:30 & 10 pm Adm. $1.50. Sundays films at 7:30 only.

4-29 & 30 “Blow for Blow” 1970 Karmitz. (France)

5-6 & 7 “Womens Film Festival Weekend”.

5-13 & 14 “Hearts and Minds” 1974 (Peter Davis).

5-27 & 28 “The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse” 1960 (Fritz Lang).

Phase Out Films—DeRoy Aud. (WSU campus, opposite Main Library), 7 and 9:30 p.m. Adm. $1.50 (children and senior citizens free):

4-29 & 30 “Buffalo Bill & the Indians” 5-6 & 7 “One Flew Over the Cukoos Nest”.

5-13 & 14 “The Tenant” (Polanski).

5-20 & 21 “Face to Face”

Sister Cinema-1st Unitarian Church, Sun. 3 & 5:30 p.m. $1.50 adm. (823-1347):

4-24 “Not a Pretty Picture” Marsha Coolidge.

5-1 “Attica” (1974) & “We’re Alive” (inside the walls of Calif. Inst. for women).

5-15 “She Done Him Wrong” 1933 Mae West & Cary Grant.

Free Films—Upper DeRoy Aud—WSU campus, Tues. 2 & 7:30 p.m.

4-26 “Tales of the Taira Clan” 12th century Japan.

5-3 “The Passenger ” (Antonioni).

5-10 “Kamouraska” (Canadian).

5-17 “Between Time & Timbukto”, a space fantasy by Kurt Vonnegut.

5-24 “The Conformist” Bertolucci. Free Films, McGregor Library-12244 Woodward, Highland Park, 7:30 p.m.:

5-5 “Down on the Great Divide” 1943 Buck Jones.

5-12 “Jamaica Inn” 1939 A. Hitchcock.

5-19 “Taxi Tangle” Jack Benny & “Butter Fingers” (Billy Bevan) & “Gold Rush” Chaplin.


Compared to What presents: Horatio King of live Midwestern Reggae 5-22 at 8:30 p.m. (adm. $2) Trinity Meth. Church (Woodward south of Davison). Every Fri. night the-Compared to What Coffee House presents entertainment and a place to gather.

Cass Tech. Music Emporium & Ice Cream Conservatory every Sun. 2-5 pm at the Attic Theatre, 558 Monroe (Over Trappers Alley), classical, jazz & folk.


“Who’s Zarelli?”—a medical farce in three acts at the Easy Space (2535 Bagley at 18th), May 6 & 7 at 8:30 p.m. (donation)

Monteith Presents: Olga Broumas, feminist poet, will give readings of her book “Beginning with O” 4-26 at 11:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Hilberry Center, Student Center Bldg. (WSU campus), bring a lunch and shade.

Attic Theatre—thru May 8th, Thurs. thru Sun. at 8 pm presents Mary Roberts and Julie Jensen (call 963-7787 for info).

The Guild of Alternative Artists presents an open house on 5-30 from noon till midnight. Come early equipped with whatever medium is suitable for your expression.