Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 279, December, 1976


CASS CITY CINEMA—First Unitarian Church, Cass & Forest (red door on Forest), 7:30 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. Adm. $1.50. The cinema has not been doing as well as it should be, so please give them your support.

Jan. 7 & 8: THIEVES LIKE US, Robert Altman; Jan 14 & 15: HAPPY NEW YEAR, Claude le Louch; WOMAN IN THE DUNES, Hircishi Teshigahara on Jan. 21 & 22; Jan. 28 & 29: HOUR OF THE WOLF, Ingmar Bergman.

MID DAY CLASSICS: Detroit Art Institute Recital Hall or Holley Room (location posted on entrances) FREE! daily at 2:00 p.m. THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI by Orson Welles (1947) on Dec. 22 thru 27; SUNSET BOULEVARD by Billy Wilder (1950) on Dec. 29 & 30 and Jan. 2; A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE by Elia Kazan (1951) on Jan. 5 thru 9; ATTACK by Robert Aldrich (1956) on Jan. 19-23.

DETROIT FILM SOCIETY: Friends Auditorium in Main Library, admission is $2.50 (students and sr. citizens $1.50), first feature begins at 7:00 pm. HENRY V and GREAT EXPECTATIONS on Jan. 7 & 8; OF HUMAN BONDAGE and JANE EYRE on Jan. 21 & 22.


DOUBLE COUPON DAY AFTERNOON 8:30 Sat. Jan. 8 & 2:00 p.m. on Sun. Jan. 9, at the Easy Space, 3454 Bagley (across from Mexican village) between 17th & 18th—donation asked.


YOGA Hatha I, Integral Yoga Institute, 16535 Livernois near 6 Mile Road, Saturdays at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

COMPARED TO WHAT: Dec. 31-“Madcat Muraga”, jazz, rock, blues and dancing to bring in the New Year, admission $2.00 at Trinity Meth. Church on Woodward.

NEW YEARS EVE Party at Formerly Alvin’s Deli, Cass near the Ford Xway. Shadowfax and dancing and food supplied (BYOB), adm. is $5.00 in advance and $7 at the door. Buy your tickets now!

COMMUNITY MUSIC, music every Sun. at 8 p.m., $1 adm., Unitarian Church ( Forest at Cass, red door).

EASTERN MARKET—if you’ve only been to Eastern Market during the summer, when the place is overflowing with produce and people, consider making the trip early some winter Saturday morning. Fruits and vegetables are still fresh, cheaper than grocery store prices, and it’s the only place to get real apple cider, usually pressed the day before. It’s also healthy for your brain, what with no muzak or cellophane to deal with.


WDET (101.9)

SUNDAYS: 12 midnight, New Jazz in Review

MONDAYS THRU FRIDAYS: 3 p.m. Morphogenesis with Judy Adams.

MONDAYS thru Fridays, 5:00 p.m. All Things Considered (news & features) from National Public Radio.

WEDNESDAYS, 7:30 p.m. Indian to Indian with Thurman Bear—Native Americans as artists, musicians, poets and activists.

TUESDAYS, 1-3 p.m., Buckdancers Choice with Phil Marcus Esser.

THURSDAYS, 10:30 p.m., Women in Music

FRIDAYS, 7:30 p.m., Jazz Yesterday.