Free Readers’ Ads


Fifth Estate # 273, June 1976

Though we do not accept commercial advertising, this Unclassified ad space is free for our readers’ use. We do not accept ads over the telephone, so please send your ads in writing to our office at: 4403 Second Ave., Detroit 48201.

MUSICIAN with an ARP Synthesizer wishes to explore musical possibilities with another musician. Call 831-5454—Richard.

LARGE SCIENCE-FICTION collection for sale or trade. Over 500 paperbacks approx. 30 hardcovers. Comprehensive assortment, many first prints. Also approx. 100 rock LPs, mostly 1966-1970. Best offers. Call 871-1287 mornings and evenings.

FOLK GUITAR—lessons cheap. Call 863-7703.

TRIUMPH Motorcycle for sale. 1967, 500 cc, many extra parts. Needs a little work. Call 368-9754.

PLUMBING REPAIRS—drain cleaning. Call anytime: 368-9754.

FILM-MAKERS: Independent studio offers beginners innovative study programs with professional project involvement. NEA, NYSCA granted. Atelier, Box 70, Hoosick Falls, NY 12090.

FOR SALE—Cyclone fencing, slightly damaged but easily repairable. 8 x 4 x 5 feet. Excellent dog run. Best offer near $85.00. Call Marilyn at 831-6800, Mon-Fri. 1 til 5 p.m.

HOUSE FOR SALE—2-story, 3-bedrooms on 4/5 fenced acre in Avon Township; street dead-ends at 400 acres of woods & meadows, 3-car garage, storage shed, full basement, 80-gallon hot-water tank, 2 baths, custom kitchen, sun room, organic garden, large pines, fruit trees, rasberry and strawberry patches, close to schools & recreation facilities, 25-minutes to downtown Detroit; ideal for family or communal living. $39,900.00. Call 852-1471.

The Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy is a political radio group producing weekly half-hour programs of political analysis and the radical arts. Programs blend script, interviews, field recordings and political music. We focus on current struggles, repression and resistance, revolution and radical alternatives, the radical arts and the building of a political culture. We also produce and distribute a monthly review of the underground and alternative media. We have a free annotated catalog of over 120 of our programs. Contact us at: The Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy, 2743 Maryland Ave., Baltimore MD21218


These prisoners have asked for communication from you out there. We haven’t the space to reprint each of their letters, but they’d like to hear from you.

Hilliard Williams 140-190, p.o. box 5500, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601

Roger Sutton 144-501, box 69, London, Ohio 43140

Donald Shaw 138-846, Box 69, London, Ohio 43140