Staff and Contributors


Fifth Estate # 270, March, 1976

Millard Berry

Alan Franklin

Ralph Franklin

Dennis Rosenblum

Bob Nirkind

Pat Halley

Colleen Jensen

E. B. Maple

J.J. Markin

Mr. Venom

Sonny Tufts

Pat O’Bryan

Peter Werbe

Algirdas Ratnikas

Marilyn Werbe

The Fifth Estate Newspaper, a non-profit Michigan corporation is published monthly at 4403 Second, Detroit, MI 48201; phone: (313) 831-6800. Office hours are: 1:00-5:00 P.M., Mondays thru Fridays. Subscriptions are $3.00 for 12 issues. Call 842-8888 for retail sales outlets. Second Class postage paid at Detroit, Michigan. No copyright. No commercial advertising accepted.