Spike Drivers Return


Fifth Estate # 21, January 1-15, 1967

Detroit’s own Spike-Drivers are back in town and appearing at the Living End on John C. Lodge after being in New York to cut their newly released record and performing at the uptown discotheques. I was eager to hear what changes the group had made, if any, while in New York. There have been changes and unquestionably they are improvements. Fear not! The Spike-Driver sound is intact but has been enhanced by a tighter performance and the addition of more original tunes by the group as well as some very groovie arrangements of rock and folk classics.

Each set seems a balanced and complete segment of their diverse repertoire. Ending each evening is one of their most outstanding presentations. An improvisational Raga-like instrumental in which each individual musician experiments with various methods of producing his desired melodic and rhythmic modal patterns while sharing the direction of the group.

This piece of music is indicative of the interesting influence East Indian music is having on popular music today and is excitingly rewarding for those brave enough to listen to the building mechanics. I am pleased with the progress the Spike-Drivers are making musically and professionally. Spike-Driver music is good Folk-Rock in a sincere presentation. Well worth hearing.