Pot Group Launches Crusade


Fifth Estate # 21, January 1-15, 1967

The first meeting of the Detroit Chapter of Lemar (Legalize Marijuana) met at the Artist’s Workshop Dec. 19th, and had a good turn out in spite of a heavy snow.

The purpose of the group is to: 1. Disseminate information concerning marijuana (factual studies as opposed to the bullshit printed in the major daily papers), 2. Gather together people in the Detroit area who are interested in seeing marijuana legalized, 3. Help end or reduce feelings of isolation and paranoia by functioning as an organized group.

The first project will consist of printing two propaganda pieces; a one-page flier and an eight- to ten-page booklet. The fliers will be an attention-getter and bibliography and will be handed out at places such as Northland. The larger booklet will be mailed to those requesting more information or may be picked up at a future designated spot for a small fee.

Plans for the future consist of organizing a “Midwest Conference for Consciousness-Expansion” to be held in late spring or early summer, and a symbolic puff-in to be held on May 1 which is Law Day in the U.S. More about this later.

The next meeting will be January 4, 8:30 p.m. at 4857 John C. Lodge. Those interested can bring ideas, material suitable for inclusion in pamphlets, studies on marijuana, etc.