Citizens For Peace Meet


Fifth Estate # 21, January 1-15, 1967

Citizens for Peace in Vietnam, an organization of Detroit area residents opposed to U.S. involvement in Vietnam, was re-activated recently with the holding of its first general ‘meeting since last March.

“There has been a widespread demand for the re-convening of CPV,” stated a committee spokesman, “and the administration’s continued escalation leaves us no moral alternative but to reaffirm our condemnation of the nature and the fact of America’s participation in this war.”

At the first meeting a statement of principles was adopted. The group plans a variety of educational and ‘political activities.

Last month it co-sponsored, with a clergy committee a conference on the draft.

The group is also working for an extension of the holiday truce and met with Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh to request a Christmas Proclamation supporting the extension.

The CPV’s next meeting will be held at St. Joseph’s Church, Woodward at Holbrook, Thurs., Jan. 5, at 8 p.m. For further information write the committee at 31 King St., Detroit.