The Fifth Estate Underground Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 16, October 16-31, 1966

Underground newspapers, books & magazines & records & posters

buttons & bumperstickers

all kinds of things you need

ESP RECORDS!! The FUGS Broadside album – the FUGS second album – Timothy Leary Speaks on LSD Albert Ayler Spirits Rejoice! New York Ear & Eye Control

Patty Waters Sings!

Marion Brown Quartet!

The Helicentric Worlds of SUN RA!! I & II

BELLS – Albert Ayler

all records $4.29 plus tax

MAGAZINES: Minority of One, National Guardian, Progressive, Liberation

BOOKS: Macrobiotics (Ohsawa), The FUGS Song Book, Proprioception, Chas. Olson, Rip-Rap, Gary Snyder, The Hermit Poems, Lew Welch, BOSS Magazine, Mainline to the Heart, Clive Matson



& all Artists’ Workshop Press publications

used books & magazines at cut-rate prices!!

Let us hear from you – we will order what you want

open daily 12 noon to 12 midnight

EVO, LA Free Press, The Paper, Berkeley Barb, Peace News & other groovies