On Getting The Fifth Estate


Fifth Estate # 16, October 16-31, 1966

Due to the incompetence of the Post Office bureaucracy the subscribers did not receive their FIFTH ESTATES until a week after they were mailed. This is a double drag since our office staff really busted their asses trying to see that the mailing got to the subscribers before the papers hit the streets. Well, have faith, God and the old P.O. willing you should have this in your paid subscriber’s hands the day after we get it back from the printers.

For all of you that haven’t taken the plunge you can pick up the FIFTH ESTATE at 8 news stands around town. Sorry, we would like them to remain in the condition they are in so can’t give out the locations. Just look around the places you usually go to. There may be one there.

Also, you can get them Inside at some places and we can tell you these. They are sold at Bookworld, Woodward at Warren; Paperbacks Unlimited on Woodward in Highland Park; Merit Book Center, 14365 Harper (our only East Side distributor); Global Books, 4829 Woodward at Warren, upstairs; Monroe Music 18981 Livernois at 7 Mile Rd. and in Ann Arbor, Bob Marshall’s Book Store. If you go to these places and don’t find the paper; ask for it.

We need more places where we can sell the paper. Do you know of any bookstores, drugstores, or anywhere that will sell it? Or will you sell it yourself at your school, campus, business or on the street?