November 5-7 Set for International Peace Protest


Fifth Estate # 15, October 1-15, 1966

A national conference was held in Cleveland Sept. 9-10 to plan for a united nationwide peace action this fall.

The conference was called by the University Circle Teach-In Committee of Cleveland, with the assistance of the Inter-University Committee. The meeting was attended by a wide range of Peace, Civil Rights, and religious groups.

The 150 delegates and observers present at the conference agreed that the peace movement should “forcefully inject the Vietnam debate into the forefront of the public’s political consciousness.” They decided to call for a United Mobilization for Peace, Jobs and Freedom for four days, Nov. 5, 6, 7, and election day, Nov. 8.

The delegates set up an ad hoc group called the November 8th Mobilization Committee. A.J. Muste was chosen as chairman and official spokesman; Pat Griffith of the Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy as executive secretary and Frank Emspak of the National Coordinating Committee To End The War In Vietnam as field secretary.

Locally the Detroit Committee To End The War In Vietnam has planned the following activities:

Saturday, November 5, a march to start at 2:00 p.m. at Central Methodist Church, at Woodward and Adams and proceed to the Federal Building. The marchers will post a declaration on the doors of the Federal Building. Symbolically the doors of the Federal Building will be closed just as participation in the decision making process on such vital questions as war and peace are closed to the people.

Sunday, Nov. 6, the Committee has planned a “Peace Freak Out” with folk-rock and other activities. More details later.

Monday, Nov. 7, a teach-in on the GI and the war at Wayne State University. Speakers will include relatives of the Fort Hood Three and other people nationally prominent in the Anti-War movement.

Sunday, Nov. 8, Massive leafleting about the war at the factory gates, shopping centers, schools, and polling places, etc.

For more details contact the DCEWV, 1101 W. Warren. Phone 832-5700.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.