Women’s work is never done


Fifth Estate # 126, March 4-17, 1971

In this column we’d like to share with you some of the work and ideas of women in Detroit. There are many more things to be done, like starting your own rap group, theater group, women’s newspaper, child care center, male baby-sitting service, a women’s union, women’s history classes, auto mechanics and carpentry classes, and women’s legal aid services. How about a women’s center so we can meet each other and coordinate our activities? We need to pool our energies to get some new things started in Detroit. Let us know what you are doing. Maybe we can work together.

Karate—Six o’clock daily in the boy’s gym in Old Main at Wayne State University. Call 833-0812, or

Community Karate for Women at the Forest Theater Coffee House on Cass and Forest every Sunday at 2:00 p.m., or

At the PX, 13726 Michigan Avenue on Saturday afternoons, 4-6 p.m. and/or Sundays 11:00-1:00 p.m. Call 846-0012 for more information.

Speaker’s Bureau—Call the Fifth Estate, 831-6800. We will provide speakers on Women’s Liberation and other movement issues. We need more women speakers!

Youth Against War and Fascism women’s caucus—For the special Women’s Issue of the Red Times, call Jean at 962-4979 and come to our meetings, 6:00 Tuesday evenings at 2615 Woodward on the third floor. Visit there any time.

Committee to Free Angela—Has brochures and petitions to free Angela Davis. Write or visit us at 12 North Street in Highland Park from 2-5 p.m. on Mondays thru Saturdays, 864-0982. Look for a future announcement of a Spring demonstration.

Wayne Women’s Liberation—Meetings every other Wednesday starting March 10. Mostly we’re working on the Lansing march and we sell tickets in our office. Room 331, University Center Building, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. We print a free magazine for women, “Moving Out,” which costs a dollar. We are struggling about free childcare and other problems pertaining to WSU women. Help us continue.

Women’s Media Co-op—Articles and Graphics—Send them or bring them to Women’s Media Co-op. c/o The Fifth Estate office, 4403 Second Avenue, Detroit. Tell us what you’re doing, so women’s groups can come together.

Women’s Street Theater—Now has an abortion drama and a Women’s History ‘Cranky’ which can be presented on demand. Call Marie, 925-9508 if you want to join or want a performance.

Tape Group—Has one tape already and wants women to help make more. Call Barbara at 873-4969.

Films—Some women who want to get this together call TO8-2064.

Silk Screeners—(or people who want to learn) should call Mary Jo, 751-5539. She is working on May Day posters now.

Welfare Rights—A radical organization of welfare recipients and social workers, 964-5361.

Gay Sisters—We’re trying to organize a women’s caucus for Detroit Gay Liberation Front. Our first meeting will be on March 7 at 7:30 p.m. at 20505 Denby. Call Pat at TW3-8642.

Ann Arbor Radical Lesbians—Call 769-5962.

Revolutionary Lesbians—This is a group of revolutionary, feminist separatists meeting every Monday at 8:00 p.m. at 64 E. Quad at the University of Michigan. We are working on SPECTRE—coming out soon. Call 663-7635.

Detroit Resistance Women’s Group—A group of young, married women who come together to talk and for political education every other Thursday night. To find out about it, call Pat Atencio at 533-4635.

Women’s Liberation Coalition—Abortion Referral—Information on legal safe, cheap as possible, abortions. A free service run only by women, 962-8822.

Open Rap Groups—Downtown Detroit at the YWCA, 2230 Witheral, first floor at 7:30 Thursday nights, call 962-8822. east Side, call Karen, 521-7695. Royal Oak, call Dorothy 585-1377. Walled Lake, call Helen 642-2947.

Working Women Attention—We are exploring the idea of a women’s union. Call Jo Ann, 345-5195.

Library—Starting at the downtown office. We want donations of any literature about women. Call Abby 831-8184.

Childcare—We have struggled to get childcare for very young children and have gotten nowhere with WSU. We have some tentative solutions. if you want to help, call Val 963-5351 or 962-8822.

Legislative Committee—Keeping the public aware of the way the law oppresses us. Call Toby 626-5880.

A.S.U.—Women and wives in the service, call Gronya 725-3851.