Classified Ads


Fifth Estate # 126, March 4-17, 1971

CLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words, Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50)


The Fifth Estate Newspaper reserves the right to edit out any material we deem offensive. This means we will not print such terms as “chicks”, “stud”, “attractive only”, “well-hung”, “beautiful”, “buxom” or any racial designation. It is our feeling that the usage of such language creates degrading and dehumanizing concepts which serve to exclude numbers of people and make others into objects. Ads that are completely unacceptable will be returned to the sender. ALL PERSONAL ADS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE SENDER’S NAME AND ADDRESS. IT WILL NOT BE USED IN THE AD UNLESS REQUESTED BY THE ADVERTISER. Any ad offering things free to the community will be run for free.


Bogen PA amplifier 100 watts, used for column speakers, $60. Call Mike 386-6253 evenings.

Water Beds, King-size, Call 399-7788.

Genuine old fur coats. Mens & Ladies. Pieces for rugs, purses, collars. WO5-5553 or KE7-8253

FOR SALE: Boutique Sho! Complete line of posters. lights, clothes, leathers, including showcases & wall cases. call after 6 pm. 773-4520.


Massages, given in your home, couples and females only. Call Steven 537-0917 after 4 p.m.

“Byrdland” Bill Hodgson, please call John 645-5764.

Happy Birthday, Papa! Love you more than you know—J.

Fuck the Lifer Pigs and those who hassle the imprisoned people of the 3/187—The Group. Continued success.

Fuck the 3rd Marine Division. 3rd Shore Party Bn. And all the Pigs that run it—Peace, Craig.

Aquarius: Libras are not compatible with Capricorns, remember—M.E.

The world is a prism, and we are all reflections of each others’ thoughts.

I need help to find some kind of shop to sell me head-needs. PFC Mike Grady, Co. D, 23rd Med. Bn. apo S.F. 96374.

Charlie, I wish you health, truth, peace, understanding and love—Sunflower.

Buzz, we’ve got a good thing. Let’s not lose it. Hurry home. Luv, Diane.

Happy Birthday to Janice, and Barbara, Tom and Saul. Pisces Power!!!!

For drug information or counseling Call 642-2670.

Pisces make the best lovers!


Hill’s Freelance modeling is looking for amateur and professional models, to model fashions and other assortments of modeling. Phone 361-9387 between 6-9 p.m. We will desire screen tests.


Wanted—Gay guys,18-24, clean-cut, model types, to work in new exclusive club-lounge. Models, entertainers, etc. Call for interview at: 388-9588.

Do you need a male model? Call 836-6495 evenings.

Female amateur nude models. 14-40, needed by amateur photographer, day or evenings here at my pad. $2-$10/hour. 561-1259.

Nude female models wanted by amateur photographer. Nonprofessionals, $5/hour. Evenings 836-6495.


Lead guitarist wanted. Call Bob after 4 p.m. at 647-2974.

Wanted: customers for small moving business. Low rates & negotiable prices. 585-1630. Alan Coleman.

Now Generation Magazine will pay $10 for B & W photos, $25 to $50 for 300-500 word-original articles, and $5-10 for cartoons. Send now to Now Generation Magazine. p.o. box 1955, Det., Mich. 48226.

Guitarist needs drummer for band. Jim 321-0320.

Van needed. Call Little Tony at 831-5744.

Young man wants female companion for trip to L.A. and Berkeley, Calif. Share expenses. Ray, 562-1010 bet. 9 a.m. & 4 p.m.

Woman who plays conga drums and woman who plays flute needed for revolutionary peoples’ rock band. Call Jennifer at: KE3-2444 or David 584-6995.


Newly decorated apt, near campus, $75.00. 874-1812.

Male grad student seeks female roommate to pay 1/3 rent. Light cooking, housekeeping. Somerset Apartments, Troy. 645-5385. Ride into city.


Personal ads will not appear this issue. They will be continued next issue. Multiple runs will be extended one time.


Buttons (395 stock, also made to order), bumpersticks, decals, and beads, phoney $3 & $1000 bills. Free catalog. Wholesale & retail. Suite 503-ES, 160 W. 46 Street, NYC 10036 (212) 581-4199.

Silk-screened T-shirts dyed orange, yellow, or purple. Red star and marijuana leaf or red fist inside a blue peace symbol with, “People unite for peace! People unite for power!” on it. Non-fading. $2.75 each, postpaid. The Argus, 708 Arch St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. The proceeds go to the people!

MESSIANIC JEWS: Offer free Bible literature concerning their precepts and beliefs. Write: Scriptures, Dept. H-2, 151 Prospect Drive, Stratford Conn. 06497.

Radical paperbacks, hard covers, pol. science, anarchy, economics, etc. Disc. to FE readers. Send for catalog: Hammond Book Services, Box 108, Upham, ND 58789.