
Fifth Estate # 12, August 15, 1966

AD RATES: 50 cents per line. Call 962-9334 with your message or stop by 937 Plum St.

WANTED—a multi-small-room apartment anywhere around Wayne – semi-cheap. If having one for rent—ring LI8-6434, ask for Larry Mahigian.

THE FIFTH ESTATE needs $500 dollars within one week after this ad appears. We’ve got soooo many bills. We can’t promise when you’ll get the money back, but we’ll work it out. If things go right and subscriptions, display ads and contributions keep coming in, I see a weekly ESTATE in Sept. or October. Stop in at 937 Plum St. and let’s talk about it.—the editor.

Get well, Bob Dylan From the Followers.

I’ve got this plan to sell plastic buddhas to Detroiters who oppose the war. If you put them on your dashboard, it might help the cause. 962-9334.

OPEN SKULL PRESS OLE #5, special Harold Norse issue: – Wm. Burroughs, W.C. Williams, James Baldwin, Anais Nin, Bukowski, and POETRY WITH BALLS… $1; 449 S. Center, Bensenville, Illinois.

motor trip to South America in quest of Nature’s psychedelics is leaving December 1, 1966. If interested write Gene Davis, Box 192, Lombard, Ill. 60148

HELP THE BEGINNING START! Cleveland people need a newspaper to promote awareness and creativity. Anyone with ideas is urged to put them in verbal form and send them to ROSIE KRENITZ, 12003 LAKE SHORE Blvd. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44108 Donations in ANY form will be dug.

“Father, forgive.. know not.” Fifth Estate is home. Cathy.

HELP—Two ambitious souls want work on Plum Street. Call 474-4810 after 6.

FOR SALE. 1965 TR-6 triumph Motorcycle. Best offer over $900. Call Joe after 5:00 p.m. 924-5623.

UNDERGROUND BUTTONS are for sale at the Fifth Estate office where we also sell fifty different kinds of bumperstickers. It’s really a crazy set-up, with buttons plastered all over the wall and the Artist Workshop publications for sale on top of an old wooden door that we found. I think the address is 937 Plum St. #7. Actually this is the first unclassified I’ve ever written and I’m not sure of anything—Dava.

FOR SALE—complete collection of Del Shannon records. Perfect condition! Call 962-9334 or come to Fifth Estate office.

Hi Johnny Tom!—3 on a Honda!

JOHNSON’S DOMINO THEORY: If 1101 West Warren falls, Kansas City will be next.

Somebody could make a lot of money by becoming advertising manager for a fast – growing bi-weekly rag. If interested call Harvey at 962-9334. Tell him you want to work for the FIFTH ESTATE.

London’s New Book Shop—INDICA BOOKS & GALLERY. 6 Mason’s Yard—London SW.1.—Send for FREE catalogue of modern First ‘editions. Art Gallery, Coffee, readings. Films.