SNCC calls for aid to poor


Fifth Estate # 11, July 30, 1966

The Detroit Friends of the Student Non-Veiolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) last week launched a local drive to help raise money to build shelters and to buy land in the deep South. The Poor Peoples Land Fund, headed by Ronald Bennett has already approached Detroit store-owners to ask for their support by serving as sponsors of the project.

Bennett went on to describe the living conditions that sparked the Land Fund concept: We know there are hundreds of Negro men, women, and children who are sleeping in tents and open fields eating only when someone will send them food. Babies that don’t know the taste of milk, and mothers that go through childbirth without a doctor or qualified nurse. This is what the project is all about. With the help of Detroit’s small-business community, the poor people will be able to buy land and raise their own crops for a decent living.”

Contributions are needed and further information can be received at the SNCC office at 1118 Webb in Detroit.