Festival for People


Fifth Estate # 11, July 30, 1966

The most important cultural event in Detroit this Summer will be the Artists’ Workshop’s FESTIVAL OF PEOPLE, or “a summer ecstasy of the contemporary arts.” It will be held on Sunday, August 7, at the Detroit Artists’ Workshop, 4857 John Lodge (corner of Warren), starting at 1:00 p.m. and lasting as long as it has to. The purpose of the Festival is simply to celebrate PEOPLE—ourselves.

The music will be provided by three or four or even more different bands, including the Detroit Contemporary 4, the Lyman Woodard Ensemble, the Joseph Jarman Quartet, and the Workshop Music Ensemble. Sets of music will alternate with readings by poets JOHN SINCLAIR, who’ll be released from prison 2 days before the Festival. ROBIN EICHELE, who’ll be leaving for Europe later this month; JIM SEMARK, JERRY YOUNKINS, who recently returned from a 7-months “trip” to the West Coast, J.D. WHITNEY, VICTOR COLEMAN & RON CAPLAN from Toronto, DAVE SINCLAIR, TOM MITCHELL, AND MIKE LITLE from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and many others. There will be a modern dance happening presented by CAROL WASH-CHUCK who has been teaching a class in modern dance every Thursday and Tuesday night from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the workshop.

There will be a big photography exhibition cosponsored by the Daily Collegian and the Artists’ Workshop, featuring the work of DAVE WELSH, MAGDALENE SINCLAIR, ROBIN EICHELE, ANN KATZEN, and others. “No Standing,” a film by EMIL BACILLA, “Song of Peace” by Magdalene Sinclair, and a film featuring John Sinclair will be shown in the evening.

There will be a “business meeting” with all members and interested/committed people to talk about the future of the Artists’ Workshop and the Free University of Detroit.

Workshop Books and magazines as well as many “little magazines” from small presses around the country, which are not available at any other place in Detroit or the whole Midwest, will be available at the literature table (bring some money). There’ll be refreshments and a dance for everybody in the evening. The donation for the whole Festival is $1.50 per person. Everybody is invited to come. Come early to get a seat or bring your own pillow.

Anyone who is still interested in actively participating in the Festival, please contact me as soon as possible. Call 8312594 or come to the Workshop.