

Fifth Estate # 105, May 14-27, 1970

UNCLASSIFIEDS cost 50 cents per line per issue. Figure four words per line. (A word is a word including one and two letter words. A phone number is a word. Street numbers are words. Abbreviations should be sensible. DISCOUNT RATES: Five runs cost 35 cents per line, per issue. (i.e. 2 lines in 5 issues cost $3.50)


Vietnam GI collects photos. Will pay nice price. SSG J. Johnson, 427-86-9800, HHD, 27th Trans. Bn., APO San Francisco 96226.

Young, attractive married man gets fine “homecooking,” but would like a chance to “eat out.” Would like to meet married woman in similar situation. Single girls or attractive couples also OK. Box 1214A, Detroit 48232.

Female models wanted. Topless and nude modeling. 18-27 years. $10 to $20 per hour or more, depending on figure. Call 255-2462 12 to 7 P.M.

Muscular, young men wanted for physique modeling by professional studio. Good pay, short hours. Call 483-1492 or write Metecue Assoc., Box 363, Ypsilanti 48197.

SEXUAL FREEDOM magazine No. 1 (busted by SF police) with erotic lithographs by Gerald Gooch, plus current issue – $2.00. Mailed in plain cover. SF League, Box 14034-FE, San Fran. 94114.

Young, bi-male, student going to Europe this summer to bum. Would like to take attractive, intelligent, bisexual female interested in unusual experience. Call: 642-1251.

Attn. All sharp single or married girls. Would you like a good looking, clean cut, well endowed, “safe” guy to make love to you? Please call me soon. 561-0167.

Handsome male 16 from Toronto wants to meet same 14-18. Send photo & phone to Box 442, Troy, Mich.

Wanted—Magic Bus. 292-4789.

Co-op — health foods, supplements, organically grown products. Fantastic savings 10% to 30% off retail. Diet consultation. 388-0798.

Wanted. Hep gent needs youngish beauty who is tired of the rat race and would like someone to help with the load. A couple of discreet dates and we should know if we can make it together. Mr. Jack 961-3488.

Wanted, desperately, friends. Gays welcome, to age 25. Am depressed and lonely. Call Bob Zaborowski (Wya) 284-4375.

Greetings World, from the land of rice and honey – mostly rice the Nam. Peace.

Gay, 23 years, fairly attractive, blue eyes, slim, versatile, pleasant guy desires relationship with gay Spanish-American, Philippine, Indian or Polynesian guy, 17 to 27. Write R. Haun, 8801 Grand River, Detroit 48204.

Don’t take another puff of that joint! Read the startling facts about marijuana as written by Bill Rowe. Send for it today. It’s free. Do it before you get hooked. Bill Rowe, Box 158, Ann Arbor, MI 48107.

White, 38, bachelor wants female companion for swinging parties. Have own pad. Call after 5 pm at 822-6608.

Bi-sexual discipline, spankings, other unusual desires. Meet similar in group relationship. Intelligence, discreet, attractive, a must. Bi-couples, females, males. Box 474, Troy, MI 48084.

Swinging couples only 382-8525.

Fight the Army and fight imperialism! But love each other & smile. R.R.

Handsome male, white, 35, seeks swinging female, confidential. Box 33, Dearborn 48120.

GALS, (black, yellow, etc.) attractive black guy 27, will sock it to ya! Garfield, 934-8875, evenings.

French-type male desires to entertain others. P.O. Box 225, Centerline, Mich.

Len, where are you? Thought you weren’t mad. Please call – Yellow Touno.

Inexperienced & unsatisfied (24 yrs) would like to meet aggressive girls for mutual satisfaction. Have my own pad. Call (late) at 354-1378.

Poor Boy’s Auto. Auto mechanic Wayne student. For free spirit-10 yrs experience, garage equiped any job, any vehicle–bikes, VW, hi-perf, sportscars, truck and old shit too. Parts at jobbers cost. We can beat any price. Tune up any car. $5.00 plus parts. Call: 885-2609 after 6 p.m.

Dresses sewn to patterns and material you choose. 447 Antoinette Apt. 6, Detroit.

We have ears for sounds of love. We have eyes for visions of beauty. We have touch for feelings of joy. We have taste for morsels of affection. We have smell for fragrances of incense. We have House of Cedar for 64 fragrances of incense plus 45 types of burners. For free list write HOUSE OF CEDAR, Box 134, Utica, MI 48078.

Males, enjoy being nude. Write Male, Box 613, Flint, MI 48501.

Handwriting analyzed $1.00. Write Margot, 4826 Martin, Detroit.

Female, any age, married or single, wanted for physical relationship by male 28. PO Box 615, Pontiac, Mich.

Stop searching. World-wide clubs, for singles, couples, nudists, swingers, plus sources, for the offbeat & more! For free literature send addressed & stamped envelope to Club Guide 70, 1163 Pine No. 11, San Franc., Cal. 94109. Must be over 21.

Three businessmen (early 30s) seeking girls, single or married—absolute discretion – no hang-ups or money involved. Send photo and phone to D. Howard, P.O. box 860 Wayne Michigan 48184.

Buttons (371 stock, also made to order), bumperstickers, decals, beads, wholesale & retail. Free catalog. Suite 503-ES, 160 West 46th St, New York City 10036.

St. Clair Enterprises—Psychedelic Products, wholesale 773-4520.

Serious musicians and groups interested in management and promotion on local or nat’l level, call Independent Services at: 773-8560.

Goodlooking male, white, 38, wants to learn to swing. (Bachelor). Box 20 Ypsi, Mich.48197.

Anyone who has any tapes with John Sinclair reading poetry or just rapping, or any tapes from the old Artists’ Workshop, please contact Magdalene Sinclair immediately. Call 761-1709 in Ann Arbor. Or send tapes to 1520 Hill Street, Ann Arbor 48104. Reward: One free John Sinclair album, when it’s ready.

20 yr old male needs experienced woman to teach him what she knows. Phone 662-6119.

FOR SALE: Martin Alto Saxaphone. Excellent condition. 321 – 1247. $150

Fuck the Army—Power to the People—Peace to the World Let Lori Love.

To everyone, everywhere: Stay High! Lenny.

KLH Model 11. Less speakers and turn table—$50. UN4-3900—Rowe.

Ride needed to Calif. Call Bob between 6:30 – 11:30 P.M. 531-8171.

Female-married or single-wanted by male for twosome or threesome. 24 hr serv. Jim 372-8153

List of 55 underground newspapers $1.00 GP-FE, 965 North Danville, Abilene, Texas.

Chicken-shit labor leader: we want to talk to you. Call the Fifth Estate Office.

LA BARBA, Puerto Rico’s underground newspaper for rock & radicals. For Everybody. Write & send self-addressed, stamped envelope to LA BARBA and we will send you a free copy. LA BARBA, Num. 238, Bda, Carmen, Salinas, Puerto Rico 00751.

FREE JOHN SINCLAIR buttons, bumperstickers, and posters are now available. Send 50 cents for each to Youth International Party, 1520 Hill Street, Ann Arbor 48104. Discount for quantities. Call 761-1709 for orders and delivery.