Give us an inch…


Fifth Estate # 102, April 2-15, 1970

NEW YORK (LNS)—Those castrating bitches are at it again. Give ’em an inch…and they…er…never satisfied…just gave ’em a cover story…back for more….

Newsweek’s cover story on women’s liberation had just hit the stands when 46 women on the staff filed a complaint Monday, March 16 with the Federal Government charging that Newsweek had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964—which prohibits “segregation, classification, and/or limitation of an employee” on the grounds of race, color, religion, or sex.

Most of the women employed by Newsweek are only researchers—”editorial assistants” or “senior editorial assistants” to those of you who read the masthead. Newsweek uses these fancy titles to glorify an old oppressive myth—women aren’t such hot thinkers but they sure as hell can type, file, catalogue and make outlines like nobody else because of their exceptional “aptitude for detail.”

One of Newsweek’s few women writers, Patricia Lyndon, observed, “There seems to be a gentlemen’s agreement at Newsweek that women are researchers and men are writers—the exceptions are few and far between.

Osborn Elliot, Newsweek’s editor in chief, cleared it all up in a statement denying any discrimination against women, explaining lucidly that the reason women are researchers is because of a “news tradition going back to almost fifty years.”

Most women have very little interest in perpetuating such traditions.