AF Doctor Says No


Fifth Estate # 102, April 2-15, 1970

LOS ANGELES, Calif.—An Air Force Academy graduate, Richard T. Hubbard, under orders to go to Vietnam on March 30, says he will risk courtmartial and endanger his professional career as a physician rather than obey those orders.

Hubbard is a practicing Methodist whose home town is in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. As a result of his religious background, he is morally against the war. Hubbard stated, “I am opposed to the War on an emotional basis…I am opposed to military life on a religious basis…I accept nonviolent resistance as a form of Christian Witness.”

Hubbard, who took a leave of absence from the Air Force Academy to attend medical school, at his own expense, stated that he has requested that his military status be changed to a conscientious objector classification.

Any serviceman or G.I. who sees his individual relationship to the imperialistic Vietnam War and refuses to comply, is making positive stands. Whether he makes that choice because of personal-religious feelings, or because he understands the War’s political implications, he deserves support and encouragement.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.