Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 101, March 19-April 1, 1970

in Cooperation with Detroit Adventure


POWER TO THE PEOPLE and other assorted revolutionary politics will be discussed by the citizens of the Woodstock Nation sponsored by the Free University and conducted by the White Panther Party. All persons, hippies, yippies, Commies and other facsimilies thereof are welcome. 8 p.m., 4867 John C. Lodge at Warren.

STUDENT BOYCOTT COMMITTEE meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Boycott office, 17th and Howard, all interested students invited.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT, MEDITATION AND COSMIC ILLUMINATION is the topic for a lecture by Rev. Street of London, at the Northland Comm. Center Aud., 8 p.m.

FREE MEDICAL HELP at the OPEN CITY CLINIC, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Come in at 5:30 p.m. for appointment. 4225 Second at Canfield.

Fritz Lang’s FURY (1936) 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. at Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall. 50 cents.

TROUBLE IN PARADISE, Herbert Marshall as a high-society pickpocket? a tragedy of manners, and the MUSIC BOX with Laurel and Hardy. Architecture Aud. at Univ of Mich. 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents.


FEELIN’ ALRIGHT with Joe Cocker, Leslie West and Mountain and Stone the Crow, at the EASTOWN. Two shows, 8:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Adm. $5. Magic Veil lights will be on hand too. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

THE FAMILY are back, at the Palladium, along with Hamilton Face, and free popcorn, movies and maybe a glance at one of Detroit’s most handsome men (as quoted by the News), Punch Andrews. 136 Brownell, Birmingham.

THAT FOLKY CLOWN, Charlie Latimer, along with Paul Bowles and Co., entertain at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, 388 N. Woodward in Birmingham. Adm, $1.50.

Wylie’s THE COLLECTOR, story of a crazed man who collects butterflies and pretty young ladies. Library Lecture Hall, Marygrove College. 7:30 p.m.

THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET, the drama of a common man’s confusion with and cowardly consent to Hitler’s persecution of the Jews. WSU Upper DeRoy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. 50 cents

THE END OF AUGUST AT THE HOTEL OZONE (Czechoslovakia) plus shorts. Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m.

SKY, TIME OF MIGRATION AND GRIZZLY! shown in the Aud., Cranbrook Inst. of science 8:15 p.m.

MEMORIES will be brought back as Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons sing in concert, Masonic Aud. 8:30 p.m. Tickets $5.50, $4.50 & $3.50

FOLK DANCING at the International Institute 8 p.m.

WSU WOMEN’S CHORALE IN CONCERT, Robert Harris, conductor, WSU Community Arts Aud., Cass & Kirby, 8:30 p.m. Free.

MUSIC OF REMBRANDT’S TIME, Evelyne Scheyer, Harpsichordist, and Faye Turner, lyric soprano, perform 17th century music of Holland, Spain and England. 7 p.m. Baroque Gallery, Det. Inst. of Arts. Free

FRANCES ALENI KOFF, contemporary dance artist, performs and lectures at Oak Park High School Audd., 8:30 p.m. $1.50 adm. Free for Students with ID,


JOE COCKER, Mountain and Stone, the Crow, get it on at the EASTOWN, plus a trippy light show by Magic Veil. 2 shows 8:30 & 11:30 p.m. Adm. $5. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

The Palladium has THE FAMILY and Hamilton Face, out suburbia way at 136 Brownell in B’ham.

THE STOOGES and Red, White & Blues Band get up to Silverbell, high on Bald Mountain Rd. Take I-75 to Lapeer Exit.

THAT HUMDINGER FOLKSINGER, Charlie Latimer, plays at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse, along with Paul Bowles & Co. who will back Charlie up. 388 N. Woodward in B’ham. Adm. $1.50.

THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET, a film to make you laugh and cry, and who could ask more of a work of art than that? WSU Upper DeRoy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45 p.m. 50 cents.

THE END OF AUGUST AT THE HOTEL OZONE (Czechoslovakia) plus shorts. Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m.

BENEFIT FOR THE GRAPE BOYCOTT, with a wellknown Mexican group. Armenian Hall. 6705 W. Lafayette. Tickets $2.50 in advance, $3 at door. For ticket info call 825-4811. 8 p.m.

KUNDALINI, SEX AND PERSONAL MAGNETISM. Last in a series of lectures by the Rev. Noel Street from London. Northland Comm. Center Aud. 8 p.m.

BABES IN TOYLAND, new and original treatment of Victor Herbert’s classic. Theatre, Det. Inst. of Arts, II a.m. & 2 p.m. Adm. $1.25.

CLANCY BROTHERS in concert. Ford Aud. 8:30 p.m. $5.50, to $2.50.

SCANDINAVIAN SYMPHONY SOCIETY concert, soloist, Josef Gingold, violinist. Henry Ford High, 20000 Evergreen, 8:30 p.m.

GRAND ILLUSION, director Jean Renoir (1937): “I made La Grande Illusion because I am a pacifist.” Arch. Aud. Ann Arbor. 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents Adm.

SAVE OUR CITY! OPEN CITY that is! Go to the benefit at Faith Luthern Church. 30000 5 Mile Road at 7:00 p.m.


THREE DOG NIGHT get it on at Eastern Mich. Univ. Just in case you’ll miss them at Cobo Hall. Bowen Field House, Ypsi. Tickets $3.50, $4.50, $5.50. 8:30 p.m.

WESTERN POWERS IN BLACK AFRICAN REPUBLICS, influence or interference. Lecture with Dr. Kenneth Wylie. First Unitarian Universalist Church. 4605 Cass Ave. 7 p.m.

SING OUT DEARBORN Chorus, 75 local teens Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 3 p.m.

WABX presents THE KING OF THE BLUES, B.B. King, with a full hour of his music interspersed with pertinant raps from ABX announcer and hippie-type, Larry Miller. 6-7 p.m. 99.5 FM. It’s free.

YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE (1937) presented at Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall. 6:15 & 10 p.m. 50 cents

OPEN CITY BENEFIT 12 noon to 5 p.m. at Lahser High School. For $2 you can hear Third Power, Skye and Eastside.


FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT for those of you who have the clap or other diseases and can’t afford to go to a bourgeois doctor. Open City’s free medical clinic can fix you up, with a doctor on duty from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Go down at 5:30 p.m. for appt. 4225 Second.

HANGMEN ALSO DIE (1943) shown at 4:30 p.m. & 9:15 p.m. and MINISTRY OF FEAR (1944) shown at 7 p.m. at Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall. Take I-75 to Oak. Univ. exit.


KING, a filmed record…Montgomery to Memphis. Full-length motion pictures trace the work of Dr. King from 1955 until his death in 1968. This flic is being presented to raise money to support the war on poverty, and illiteracy. Shown at these spots: Birmingham, Michigan, Palms, Studio New Center, Terrace and Vogue Theatres. It’s $5 and is tax deductible 8 p.m.

WOMAN IN THE WINDOW (1944) shown at 4:30 p.m. & 9:15 p.m. and Cloak & Dagger (19461 7 p.m. Adm. 50 cents Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME. Masterpiece of science speculation. Story by H.G. Wells. Architecture Aud. 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents Ann Arbor.

FIDEL, a film on Cuba and its leader. Union ballroom, U of M, 6:45, 9 & 11 p.m. Adm $1.00.


SCARLETT STREET presented at Oakland Univ. at 4:30 & 7 p.m. Fritz Lang will speak following the 7 p.m. showing. Adm is $2.00 for the evening. Take I-75 to Oakland Univ exit.

THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1956). The horror of fighting the inhuman and invincible forces of the pods, with Richard Widmark. Architecture Aud., Ann Arbor. 7 and 9:05 p.m. 75 cents Adm.

FIDEL, a film on Cuba and its leader. Union Ballroom, U of M, 6:45, 9 & 11 p.m., Adm. $1.00.


GET IT ON FOR THE REVOLUTION at a political, educational (?) revolutionary meeting sponsored by the Free University and conducted by the White Panther Party. 8 p.m. 4867 John D Lodge.

FREE MEDICAL CLINIC by Open City at 4225 Second at Canfield. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call or stop in at 5:30 p.m. for appointment.

SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS (1942) director is Preston Sturges. Social comedy as comment by the foremost satirist of the 40s. Veronica Lake, Joel McCrae. Architecture Aud., Ann Arbor. 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents.


Bluesman JOHN MAYALL at the EASTOWN along with Savage Rose and get this, Chubby Checkers, plus the Magic Veil lights. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

FEVER TREE, Pig Iron and the Maxx at the Palladium, 136 Brownell.

STOOGES and Chip Stevens play at Something Different, 12 Mile and Northwestern Highway.

FOLK MUSIC by Princess and the Frog, and Roger James at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse 388 N. Woodward. Adm. $1.50.

FOLK DANCING at the International Institute 8 p.m.

Fritz Lang’s RANCHO NOTORIOUS (1952) Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall. 4:30 & 10 p.m. 50 cents. Take I-75 to Oakland Univ. exit.

SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS shown at the Arch. Aud., Ann Arbor. 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents.

SIEGAL-SCHWALL BLUES, back in town at the Chessmate. 6 Mile & Livernois.

1st NIGHT IN THE GROUND – a Crucifixion and Prophecy presented by Focus Novi at the Detroit Repetory Theatre, Woodrow Wilson off Glendale. Adm. $3.50- student discount


THREE DOG NIGHT, John Mayall, Frost and Sweetwater, invade the hollows of Cobo Arena Tickets $3.50, $4.50 & $5.50. 8:30 p.m.

TAJ MAHAL, Savage Rose and Chubby Checkers combine their talents at the EASTOWN Theatre along with Magic Veil Lights. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

FEVER TREE, Pig Iron and Chip Stevens get it on at the Palladium. Plus free popcorn. Brownell in Birmingham.

The original SIEGAL-SCHWALL BLUES at the Chessmate, 6 Mile & Livernois.

SILVER BELL has Savage Grace and Catfish. High up on Bald Mt. Rd, Northeast of Pontiac.

THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG and Roger James provide the folky music at the Absolute Zero Coffeehouse. 388 N.Woodward Adm. $1.50 What’s his name

RUMPELSTILTSKIN presented at the Henry Ford Museum Theatre. 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.

THE HEARTY TIN SOLDIER, puppet theatre for kids and heads and anyone else who can dig it. Aud. Det. Inst. of Arts. 11 a.m. & 2 p.m.

Or, how about JACK AND THE BEANSTALK? for the young at heart Bonstelle Theatre. 3424 Woodward. 1:30 p.m.

1st NIGHT IN THE GROUND – a Crucifixion and Prophecy presented by Focus Novi at the Detroit Repetory Theatre, Woodrow Wilson off Glendale. Adm. $3.50-student discount.


MOONFLEET, director Fritz Lang (1955) shown at 6:15 & 10 p.m. Adm 50 cents. Oakland Univ. Dodge Hall. Take I-75 to Oak. U. exit.

STORM OVER ASIA, director Pudoukin (1929) A man of the people fights against capitalistic forces, plus the Marilyn Monroe Story at the Arch. Aud. Ann Arbor, 7 & 9:05 p.m. 75 cents.

DETROIT’S OWN MC5, disclose the secret of their success in an exclusive free-wheeling session with Mike Gormley and Larry Miller on WABX 6-7 p.m. 99.5 FM It’s free.

1st NIGHT IN THE GROUND – a Crucifixion and Prophecy presented by Focus Novi at the Detroit Repetory Theatre, Woodrow Wilson off Glendale. Adm. $3.50-student discount.


HUNG OVER? Up, down or sideways? If it’s a medical problem, OPEN CITY will cure between 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4225 Second at Canfield.


ALICE COOPER is back in town, for one night at the EaStown Theatre, along with the Rationals and the Third Power. Plus super-psychedelic lights by Magic Veil. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

THE OXBOW INCIDENT (1943). Mob rule and lynching in a western town. Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05 p.m. 75 cents, Ann Arbor.



APRIL FOOL TREAT: what better way to celebrate this day than with the Stooges at the Eastown, plus the Savage Grace and Magic Veil lights. 8041 Harper at Van Dyke.

HIGH NOON (1952). Gary Cooper has to face the gang alone. Arch. Aud. Ann Arbor, 75 cents, 7 & 9:05 p.m.



THREE PHOTOGRAPHERS, Tom Bert, Phil Davis and Bob Vigellati at the 831 Photographic Gallery, 831 E. Maple Rd, Birmingham, thru March 31.

COLLECTOR’S CORNER: Civil War Soldier. Kresge Exhibit Hallway, Det Historical Museum thru April 5.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Impressions of nature. Society of Arts and Crafts. Mon-Thurs, 10 a.m. thru 4 p.m., thru March 28.

BOGHOSIAN RECENT CONSTRUCTION’ The J.L. Hudson Gallery, 1206 Woodward, thru March 28.

BENNIE WHITE, water colors and oil paintings. AAA Gallery, 2805 Grand River, March 8-May 2.

REMBRANDT AFTER 300 YEARS. Major exhibition of the year commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Dutch Master’s death. S. Wing, Detroit Inst. of Arts, Feb. 25-Apr. 5.

ALUMNI SCULPTURE SHOW and Tom Simpson furniture design. Galleries, Cranbrook Art March 10-April 5.

RECENT PAINTINGS OF LESTER JOHNSON Donald Morris Gallery, 20082 Livernois, March 14-April 4.

INTAGLIO PRINTS & SCULPTURE by Dean Meeker, Birmingham Gallery, 1025 Hayes, in Birmingham. March 14-April 4.

KINETIC SCULPTURE by Fletcher Benton and Ronald Mallory. At the London Arts Gallery, 321 Fisher Bldg. thru April 18.


Arthur Miller’s AFTER THE FALL, WSU Hilberry Theatre, Cass at Hancock, 8:30 p.m., March 5 and 21.

SHAKESPEARE’S “MACBETH” at Hilberry Theatre, March 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 25, and 26 at 2:30 p.m.

Moliere’s THE BOURGEOIS GENTLEMEN, Hilberry Theatre, 8:30 p.m., March 7, 12 & 20.


Tennessee Williams’ SUMMER AND SMOKE, Oakland Univ. M.R. Wilson Hall, 8:15 p.m. on March 12-15, 17-19, 22, 24-29.

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM, Essex Hall Theatre, Univ. of Windsor, 8:15 p.m., March 13-15, 20-22.

MARAT/SADE, Barn Theatre, Oakland Univ. 8:30 p.m., March 13, 14, 19-21.

YOUR OWN THING, new rock musical. Hill Aud. Ann Arbor, 8:30 p.m., March 18 & 19.

HELLO DOLLY, Broadway musical with Pearl Baily at Fisher Theatre, March 23-31.

Peter Ustinov’s THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER and HIS WIFE, Hilberry Aud. 8:30 p.m. March 26-28.

THE ICEMAN COMETH, Group Theatre, 16535 Livernois. March 20-April II, 8:00 p.m.


ICE CAPADES, Olympia Stadium, March 10-22.

AMERICAN INDOOR OPEN ARCHERY Tournament, Cobo Hall, March 20-22.

SCIENCE FAIR, Cobo Hall, March 20-24.

SPORTSMEN’S & VACATION SHOW, State Fairgrounds, March 27-April 5.

ENVIRONMENTAL TEACH IN, Oakland Univ March 18-20.

BEEF & ALE, with Rodriguez and a revolving art show, every Thurs., Fri. and Sat.

THE FOREST THEATRE COMMUNITY gathering. Fri & Sat, 7:30 p.m. til? Sun 5 p.m. til midnight. Bands, folk, jazz, blues, food. Fri & Sat 75 cents, Sun. free. Call Open City for more info.


DETROIT DRAFT COUNSELLING CENTER at the Central Methodist Church. Woodward and Adams. 6-10 p.m. Sundays.


ALVIN’S FINER DELI & GOOD TIME SHOPPE Rock ‘n’ blues from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. $1.00; $1.50. Every Friday & Saturday. Cass Ave. & Edsel Ford Fwy.