What’s On


Fifth Estate # 1, November 19-December 2, 1965


LECTURE: An Evening With Clifford West. Bloomfield Art Association. 6 p.m. Admission charge. 11/19

“A SECOND NIGHT WITH THE WOBBLIES, with Ellen Stekert, folk singer. Sponsored by WSU Labor History Archives at WSU McGregor Mem. Conf. Center. 7:30 p.m. 11/19

COURT THEATER: “archy and mehitabel”–modern musical classic from an original story by Don Marquis; “Children on their Birthdays by Truman Capote, and a cutting from “Death of Bessie Smith” by Edward Albee. Detroit Institute of Arts, Kresge Court,8:30 p.m. Admission charge. 11/19

LECTURE: “Architectural Trends Since 1945”–Prof. Wayne Andrews, Archives of American Art and W.S.U. 8:15 at the Rackham Educa tional Memorial Auditorium. Student Admission 75¢ General admission: $1.00. 11/19

OLIVER TWIST, film version of Dicken’s Classic, directed by David LEAN and starring Alec Guinness. 7 and 9:00 p.m. at Architecture Auditorium in University of Michigan. 50¢ admission. 11/19

CONCERT: Gold Room Concert Series Stephen Manes, pianist. Co-sponsored by Oakland Univ. and Edgar M. Levenritt Foundation at Gold Rm., Oakland University, 8:30 pm. Admission charge. 11/19

THE PHYSICISTS by Friedrich Duerrenmatt. Play of realism and fantasy, the comic and the tragic are combined in this compelling satire by the author of The Visit. Focusing on three nuclear physicists (inmates in a madhouse) Duerrenmatt makes some frightening comments on the morality and personality of modern man. 8:30 p.m. at Wayne State University Bonstelle Theater, November 19, 20 and 2:30 on November 21. Call 8331400, ext. 408. 11/19


CARMEN” (Bizet) New York City Opera Co., Julius Rudel, General Director. Hill Auditorium, University of Michigan. 11/20

ILLUSTRATED LECTURE: Pilgrim Thanksgiving, a chalk talk by Eleanor Ernandez. Children’s Museum. 2 p.m. 11/20

CONCERT: Special Sibelius Concert. Scandinavian Symphony. Scottish Rite Cath. 8:20 p.m. Admission charge 11/20

CONCERT: Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Paul Paray conducting. Ford Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Admission charge. 11/20

THEATER: Shaw’s Arms and the Man. Marygrove College Aud. 8 p.m. Admission charge. November 20 and 21. 11/20

FILM: Rosallini’s “Open City” starring Anna Magnani. Also, “Very Nice, Very Nice.” 7 and 9:00 pm in Architecture Auditorium at University of Michigan, 50¢ admission. 11/20

CONCERT: Rudolf Serkin, Masonic Auditorium, 8:20 p.m. Admission charge. 11/20

AUDOBON WILDLIFE FILM: “Tidewater Trails”, 7:30 P.m. Rackham Memorial Auditorium, Farnsworth and Woodward. 11/20


CONCERT: Artists Series. Erroll Garner, pianist-composer. McAuley Auditorium, Mercy College of Detroit. 8 p.m. admission charge. 11/21

BARBER OF SEVILLE (Rossini), New York City Opera. Choral Union Series, at Hill Auditorium, University of Michigan. 11/21

FILM: “The Last Command”, 1928, Emil Jannings. Disney Cartoon: “Plane Crazy” 1928. 2:00 and 4:00.p.m. in the Henry Ford Museum Theater. 11/21

“PAGLIACCI” (Leoncavillo) and “Cavalleria Rustincana” (Mascagnini) New York City Opera. 2:30 pm in the Hill Auditorium, University of Michigan. 11/21


INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE CLUB. International Inst. 8:30 p.m. Adm. Chg. Info: 868-1638. 11/22

FILM “In Search of History”–story of the search in the Judean Hill caves for traces of the Bar Kokhba rebellion of the Jews against the Romans some 2000 years ago.- Also “Years of Destiny”–story of how a Jewish state rose again. Jewish Community Center, Curtis and Meyers Rd. 11/22

CENTENNIAL LECTURE: Dr. John W. Dodds, Professor of English and Director of Special Programs in the Humanities, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Topic to be announced. 8:00 p.m. in Friends Auditorium, Main Library. No charge. 11/22

JOHN F. KENNEDY MEMORIAL CONCERT by the Kenneth Jewell Chorale at 8:30 pm at WSU Community Arts Auditorium. 11/22


CONCERT: WSU Symphony and Women’s Glee Club. WSU Community Arts Aud., Cass and Kirby. 8:30 p.m. 11/23

GRAND BALLET CLASSIQUE DE FRANCE, CHORAL UNION SERIES at Hill Auditorium in University of Michigan. 11/23

CONCERT: Rackham Edu. MEM. Concert Series. The Detroit Woodwind Quintet sponsored UCAE at Eng. Soc. of Det. Aud., 100 Farnsworth. 8:30 p.m. Admission charge. 11/23


NEW YORK CITY OPERA, “Carmen”, Masonic Auditorium, 8:20 p.m. Admission charge. 11/24

EXHIBIT: ANNUAL HOLIDAY SHOW. Paintings, sculpture, original graphics, greeting cards and toys. International Art Center…132 Madison. Mon.-Sat. 12 noon-6 p.m. Thru December 24. 11/24

EXHIBIT: Sarkis Sarkisian, at Detroit Artists Market. Through December 24. 11/24


CONCERT: Det. Symphony Orchestra, Paul Paray conducting. Soloist: Daniel Barenboim, pianist, with Frederick Marriott, organist. Ford Aud. 8:30 pm Admission charge. Nov. 26 and 27. 11/26

CHILDREN’S HOLIDAY THEATER “Beauty and the Beast” (live production). Auditorium Detroit Institute of Arts, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. General admission $1.00. 11/26


LECTURE: Christian Culture Series. “the Soviet Union, China & India, Luis Fischer. University Center, Univ. of Windsor. 8:20 p.m. Admission Charge. 11/28

THEATER: Giraudoux’s “Tiger at the Gates”. U. of D Repertory Theater in U. of D. Library. 8:30 p.m. Admission charge. Last performance tonight. 11/28

REVUE: “Over the Counter”, comedy, music, satire. Produced by Gilmer Productions, directed by Henry K. Martin. Vanguard Theater. 58 E. Columbia. Admission charge. Box office: 961-1778. Last performance tonight. 11/28

PROGRAM: Musicale. International Institute. 4:00 p.m. 11/28


FILM: “Israel-MiddleEast Neighbor” and “They met In Galilee”–a love story. Sr. Adult Movie Program, Jewish Community Center, Curtis and Meyers Rd. 11/29

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE CLUB. International Inst. 8:30 p.m. Adm. chg. Info: 868-1638. 11/29


“THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN”, starring Marlene Dietrich, 8:05 p.m. in the Detroit Institute of Arts Auditorium. Tickets free at Art Institute box office. 11/30

LECTURE: “Glimpses of First Century Asia Minor” by Prof. Bastiaan Van Elderen, Calvin Theological Seminary. Lecture Hall at 4:30 p.m. No admission charge. The Detroit Institute of Arts. 11/30

EXHIBIT: “Living With Antiques”. Henry Ford Museum. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Adm. charge. Last day. 11/30

EXHIBIT: “Drawings and Graphics”. Soc. of Arts and Crafts. Last day. 11/30


EXHIBIT: Japanese Kimono: textiles and woodcuts selected from the permanent collection. of Detroit Institute of Arts. Through January 30. ce

ANIMATED CARTOONS: “The Carballeroes”, “Tom & Jerry”, “Droopy”, “Barney Bear”. Henry Ford Museum Theater at 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. November 26-28. ce

EXHIBIT: Annual Holiday Show. Painting’s, sculpture, original graphics, greeting cards and toys. International Art Center. 132 Madison. Mon.-Sat. 12 noon-6 p.m. Through December 24. ce

THEATER: Giraudoux’s “Tiger at the Gates”. U. of D Repertory Theater in U. of D. Library. 8:30 p.m. Admission charge. Through November 28. ce

EXHIBIT: “Masks for Magic” Cranbrook Inst. of Science Through December 31. ce

EXHIBIT: “Africa East” items made by the people of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya & Zambia, collected by Sylvia Chorauvic. Children’s Museum. Through December 15. ce

EXHIBIT: Water Color Show at Scarab Club of Detroit. Through November 30. ce

EXHIBIT: “The Mastodon Story”, reconstruction of site of discovery. Cranbrook Inst. Tues.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. Through December 31.

EXHIBIT: 19th and 20th Century Graphics. Garelick’s Gallery of Fine Arts. 20208 Livernois. Weekdays 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Through November 25. ce

CHRISTMAS AS SEEN “Through The Looking Glass”–toy show featuring books for children over the last century which will be presented in three dimension through the use of toys, dolls and games from the Historical Museum’s collection in addition to costumed mannequins in period settings. Hall of Industry and Special Exhibits Room, November 20-January 16.

EXHIBIT: “A Fancy to Fly”–highlights in man’s conquest of space. Childrens Museum. Through December 31. ce