To the Editor:
I want to compliment you on the very fine article which you co-authored in the January 1 through 15, 1967, issue of the Fifth Estate [“Spare the Rod…?” FE #21, January 1-15, 1967]. I think that it was a well written article which discussed and documented very well the kinds of problems we have around corporal punishment here in the Detroit Public School system.
My only wish is that the Fifth Estate and your article on “Spare the Rod…?” Could get broader circulation and exposure across the metropolitan area.
I am sure that by now you know that Wayne King, a reporter from the Detroit Free Press Suburban Bureau, has picked up on this corporal punishment issue in the public schools and ran a news item in the Saturday, January 14, 1967, issue of the Free Press. Mr. King interviewed us here at the A.C.L.U. and indicated that he had either already talked with you or at least had seen your article. We get the feeling that maybe he and the Free Press are going to pick up this issue of corporal punishment.
R. Samuel Clark
Staff Assistant
American Civil Liberties Union
To the Editor:
In Mr. Kwang’s humorous story on Birchers and the “LSD Conspiracy” [“Birchers Active in Detroit: Attack LSD ‘Conspiracy'” FE #22, January 15-30, 1967] there are some inaccuracies which crept into your truth loving newspaper.
Existing scorn and friction between Breakthrough and the Birch Society has grown out of a dissatisfaction and disgust with Breakthrough’s street tactics and many of Breakthrough’s more immoderate goals. A dissatisfaction held by the leadership and the vast majority of Birchers. Donald Lobsinger (chairman of Breakthrough) had stressed the need for both organizations working in their respective spheres.
The John Birch Society was never condemned by BT for lack of militancy, but rather it was the Birchers who were critical of Breakthrough.
The meetings referred to were misunderstood. These meetings are designed as quasi-recruitment, quasi-informational functions. The actual chapter meetings are held with fifteen to twenty chapter members. With some 2,000 Detroit members there are well over a 100 Birch meetings a month in this area.
Mention of the Weitzman Institute, which by chance is situated in Israel, was made in an attempt to halt U.S. aid to that foundation because of its illegal traffic in LSD. I’m sure it would have been far more accurate to say “Let Freedom Ring” was opposing subsidized acid rather than any “International Zionist Conspiracy. ”
Other than these small errors, which are unavoidable, “Birchers Active in Detroit … ” was a pack of Commie Lies.
Yours for the Republic
Terry Epton
Editors Note: Mr. Epton is a former member of Breakthrough who resigned because he thought the organization was anti-Semitic. He presently is a member of the John Birch Society.
To the Editor:
In the decade 1935 to 1945 a group of people loyal to the ideals and activities of the Third Reich developed an institution for the deliberate murder of several million people because of their affiliation to religious, political, and other beliefs.
This institution operated in the following manner: Victims were transported by rail from all over Europe to strategically located ovens where they were reduced to molecules of in offensive smoke and ash.
In the decade 1960 to 1970 a group of people loyal to the ideals and activities of the Great Society developed an institution for the deliberate murder and destruction of as yet uncounted human beings because of their political, geographical, and accidental affiliations.
This institution operated in the following manner: Napalm, manufactured in the U.S., is flown to suspicious areas and dropped in large quantities on the victims.
The parallels and some comparisons in general follow:
1. Victims are destroyed by fire
a. 1935-45, victims brought to oven by rail
b. 1960-70, oven brought to victims by air
2. Members of the respective societies are loyal to the respective regimes
a. Good Nazi officers kick their victims into the ovens unhesitatingly
b. Good Air Force bombers drop Napalm bombs onto victims unhesitatingly (Bombs Away!)
As you can see, by slightly altering the rationale of the Third Reich we have vastly improved efficiency in keeping with the technological progress of the intervening years. Today instead of the kikes it’s the gooks and should we seduce China into the conflict it will also be the chinks.
One immeasurably added advantage is that there is less likelihood or danger of personal responsibility because pilots can’t see what is going on as the Nazi officers could as they kicked their victims into the oven.
J. Boismier